Codecamps story

Maciej Nowakowski

17 May, 2019

A couple of years ago I became frustrated by the slow, time-consuming process it took to learn coding using Meteor.js. I spent hours looking for solutions on Stackoverflow after getting stuck on problems. I knew that there had to be a better way of learning to code.

Then, I asked myself: "What would be the perfect setup to make learning to code not only an efficient but also an enjoyable experience". I came up with three ingredients:

  • world-class instructors
  • group of like minded people
  • location where you can focus exclusively on one thing for an extended period of time

This is how the idea of Meteor in Flip Flops was born. After a lot of research I chose Las Palmas in Gran Canaria as our destination. It is warm and sunny for most of the year - a great place to escape from freezing winters in Europe.

I also discovered Soppa de Azul, a co-working space and art hub, to host the event. Within the next few days, I convinced Lukas and Rahul from Q42 to join us as trainers.

The only missing ingredient was the participants. It took another few weeks to find people that were facing the same problems I did.

We all met in Las Palmas in February. And it was an incredible week. We learned not only how to build web applications with Meteor but also how to work as a team. Over just 6 days everybody built 3 projects. On top of that, we made long lasting friendships. People who went on Meteor in Flip Flops still keep in touch. Some work together on new projects.

If you want to learn more about our adventures in Las Palmas here are the articles:

Encouraged by the success of Meteor in Flip Flops I decided to organise more bootcamps. Since then, Meteor v 2.0, React v 1.0 & 2.0, and Angular v 1.0 & 2.0 visited Gran Canaria.

Every time, I make new wonderful friends. I got inspired by them. And I see them grow over time.

Codecamps are not only about learning a new technology, but also about creating new ideas, meeting amazing people and thinking outside the box. If you decide to join us, you will achieve more knowledge in coding and will come home inspired with a head full of new ideas.

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